Dienstag, 12. April 2016

Flo gets a haircut in Yangon

After having spent 3 days in hot Yangon, I decided that it was time to get a haircut. Loosing a few centimeters of his dense hair would definitely mitigate the intense transpiration. We thus asked the kind staff of the Thanlwin Guest House where we could find the closest hairdresser and they told us that there was one only a two-minute walk away from the Guest House on Yan Shin street. In curious anticipation we arrived at the tiny hairdresser’s studio which was barely recognizable from a distance.

Yan Shin street with the hairdresser’s salon behind the white car to the left.

The three young hairdressers at work. Notice the awesome sample headshots you could possibly choose from if you understood them J – yangon style baby!

The young hairdressers were still busy with some customers but after a few minutes it was my turn, the guy seemingly in charge of the “salon” waved me in while the other hairdressers shyly giggled. Without loosing too much words the young lad shortly examined my current haircut and then started cutting my hair with incredible speed and precision using a comb and an electric cutter. Although I completely trusted him I started sweating like hell – the blanket around my neck increased the temperatures by another couple of degrees... ¨

Flo’s turn...

Approximately 15 minutes later my first haircut experience was over (cost: 1000 Kyats = about 1 CHF) and I was very satisfied with the result considering there was absolutely no communication involved in the process.

New haircut without any styling products. Notice the sweaty tshirt…

1 Kommentar:

  1. Nice Hair Duuuude! :) Und ersch no Budgetversion, da bini damals ja direkt bim Luxuscoiffure glandet mit 4500 Kyats!! Defür aber mit 30min Chopfmassage, au nid schlächt gsi. Cheers usm Büro, hie schiffets und isch chalt...
